
becky bell, functional nutritionist

Hi, I'm Becky

I’m a Registered Dietitian and Functional Nutritionist with a passion for helping women live with freedom and purpose. I’m a pastor’s wife, mom of 3, and passionate wellness advocate!

I’m on a mission to push back the noise of the diet industry and empower women to feel amazing in their bodies, without all the food rules and restrictions. 

But I haven't always been this confident about my body or my health

Even as a dietitian, I used to think weight loss was just about calories. Anytime I wanted to lose a few pounds, I’d cut my calories and work harder at the gym.

But eventually that stopped working.

My sugar cravings were out of control, I couldn’t seem to stay consistent with my calorie goal, and I spent waaaay too much time thinking about food.

Then I started really digging deep into the science of metabolism.

And I learned that weight isn’t just about calories. It’s also about blood sugar balance, inflammation, stress, gut health, and hormones.

I started working with my metabolism instead of against it. And everything changed.

I don’t count calories. I don’t weight my food. I don’t work out 6 days a week. And I feel better in my body at 40 than I did in my 20’s!

You deserve the same. And that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you.

Becky bell nutritionist
becky bell nutritionist

My mission

I’m on a mission to push back the noise of the diet industry and empower women to feel amazing in their bodies and feel confident about their food choices.

As a Registered Dietitian with over 15 years of experience, I’ve helped countless women achieve their healthiest weights by optimizing metabolism and developing sustainable, nourishing habits.  

I can’t wait to help you feel amazing in your body!

I have a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from Olivet Nazarene University and a Master of Science in Human Nutrition from the University of Alabama. I am also trained as a Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider, a Certified L.E.A.P. Therapist, and I have completed advanced functional medicine training.

Featured In:
livestrong logo
fed & fearless podcast

More about me...

I'm all about...

Authentic living, getting stronger, nourishment over restriction, and choosing joy in the journey.

I'm not about...

Sacrificing health for skinny, quick fixes, or hustle culture.

Favorite Foods

Greek chicken, chocolate, peanut butter, anything with lemon

Favorite Hobbies

Reading and hiking in the Colorado mountains

Can't Live Without

Jesus, my family, and coffee

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